Click Here for Sunday School Registration!
In the Bible, Moses told the children of Israel to teach their children God’s Words.
“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 6:7-).
We at Divine Savior take that seriously. We offer Sunday school classes from September through May for nursery through middle school. Middle school students (7th-8th grade) receive formal, pastor-led spiritual training through our confirmation program. And our middle school and high school students meet regularly for social and growth opportunities.
Sunday School
Children will be taught God’s Word and the love Jesus has for us! Please register your kindergarten through grade 8 children at the link above. Questions? Contact [email protected].
Confirmation is a time of formal, pastor-led instruction for our middle school members. Our confirmands become more familiar with our faith, ask questions about it, and especially make it their own. At Divine Savior, instruction centers around Martin Luther’s Small Catechism for our 7th and 8th grade students.
We deliver confirmation instruction in a retreat format. This school year, those retreats are tentatively scheduled for September 13-14, 2024, December 13-14, 2024, and February 14-15, 2024. Students engage the material at home with some pre-retreat work, receive instruction from our pastor at the retreats, then meet with their parents and our pastors after the retreat.
The Rite of Confirmation is usually celebrated on Palm Sunday.

National Youth Gathering
Every three years, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod high school youth from around the country gather for a week of worship, study, service, and fun. In 2022, our youth joined the Gathering in Houston under the theme, “In All Things.”