Our story begins with our weekly gathering to hear God’s Word.

Our pastors strive to present messages that are both Biblical and relatable. We respond in word and in song, and our song is supported by organ, piano, guitars, and other instruments. Our vocal and handbell choirs, our contemporary praise team, and individuals add their joyful praise, too.

It’s been that way since our beginning. In 1971, we labored in love with others—a neighboring congregation who lent us their pastor for the initial work, another congregation who lent us space to gather for worship, the regional department of our national church body (The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod)—and gathered in worship for the first time on January 3, 1971. Hearing God’s Word has been our hallmark from the outset!

Spiritual growth is part of our story, too. After we dedicated our own worship site in 1974, our next major building project was an educational wing to house our Sunday school for our children, a ministry that remains central to us to this day. We also help our adult members grow through Bible studies and, especially, through our Life Group ministry. A Life Group is a small group (usually 6-10) of people who meet regularly to apply God’s Word to everyday life. They talk about life’s ups and downs; they laugh together (and sometimes cry together); they pray together. We think that growing in faith and life is essential to a thriving personal spiritual life and to a thriving congregational life.

3 woman talking at a counter top
Group of people holding a food drive sign

And our story means sharing that thriving life with others. As individuals and as a congregation, we strive to engage our neighbors and our communities with the love of God. Jesus says that His people are to be light for the world (Matthew 5:14), and we aim to equip our members to shine that light in their families, workplaces, and neighborhoods. As a congregation, we have nurtured partnerships with agencies in Hartford, Slinger, and throughout Washington County, especially with Family Promise, in order to care for the needy and at risk among us.

That’s our story. We would love it if you’d join your story with ours! Contact us today!